
Welcome to the Spring Forest health services site. I am pleased to be a part of the dynamic environment of the Bobcats. My goal is to provide quality care and support to all students/families of our community with minimal loss of academic time in the classroom.

SCREENING: We will begin screening 7th grade for vision/hearing/height/weight and Acanthosis Nigricans (Diabetes type 2) in September. Students who have difficulty in any of these areas will have a notice mailed home to their parent/guardian. Assistance is available for students who do not have a medical provider. Please call 713-251-4625 for additional information.

The 6th graders will be screened for scoliosis in the spring through their health fitness classes. 

Any student who is having difficulty in class may be referred by parent or teacher for vision or hearing screening to determine if additional intervention is needed.

MEDICATIONS: Parents are asked to refer to the parent handbook or district website (health services department) for information on how to provide non-prescription and prescription medication for student.

Prevention: . Students with fever of 100.4 or higher are to remain home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication. FEVER (100.4) is considered a sign of contagious infection or inflammation. Please remember that tests, homework etc can be made up. No one does their best when they are ill with “fever”.

Handwashing, handwashing, handwashing!!! This is the best way to prevent the spread of germs. Students are encouraged to wash hands prior to eating meals, snacks during the school day or use a hand sanitizer.

Thank you for your continued support of our Health Service Program.


Kathryn Brown, R.N, B.S.N.
