School news

Spring Forest Middle School (SFMS) Receives Family Engagement Award

Parent and Family Engagement

Spring Forest Middle School (SFMS) received the prestigious 2024 Parent and Family Engagement Promising Practices Award for its groundbreaking "High School Ready" program earlier this month.

This recognition, sponsored by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative, was announced at the Statewide Parent and Family Engagement Conference held October 17-19 in Houston.

The "High School Ready" initiative, created and facilitated by Trina Morford, the Family Engagement Liaison at SFMS, aims to equip families with the tools and resources needed to support their students' success as they transition to high school.

During the conference, SFMS showcased its program through a video presentation at the general session on Thursday. Morford and her team led a breakout session titled, “From Elementary to High School: Equipping Families to Navigate Critical School Transition Years,” highlighting the vital role families play in their children's education.

“Families can be key partners in ensuring academic success,” Morford said. “Our workshops help transform them from anxious passengers into confident co-pilots in their students' educational journeys.”

The award was accepted by Morford, Spring Branch ISD (SBISD) Superintendent Jennifer Blaine, SFMS Principal Anisa Jones, and Associate Superintendent for Communications and Community Engagement Linda Buchman.

The breakout session provided practical strategies for developing tailored support plans, gathering feedback, and accessing resources to empower families, ensuring a smooth transition for students from elementary to middle school and then to high school.

This honor not only highlights SFMS's commitment to fostering strong family engagement but also reflects SBISD's Family Education, Engagement and Empowerment Framework (Family E3), affirming the critical role parents, families and our community play as our partners in the education of Every Child we serve. For more information about the "High School Ready" program and upcoming workshops, families can contact Trina Morford at SFMS.

To learn about SBISD’s commitment to serving and supporting every SBISD Family, visit the Family E3 website.